Monday, October 27, 2008

Alrighty, so I tried the pumpkin protein shake last night, and it was not so good. I put waaaaay to much pumpkin spice and sugar free carmel syrup in it. I also added cinnamon and nutmeg which were good. I may try it again and not even add the carmel. We'll see if that tastes any better.

So now that it's getting pretty cold outside and dark super early, I decided to take my HIIT training to the basement. I pulled out some old fitness articles I had torn out of my Oxygen magazines and got to work. My HIIT consisted of 15 seconds going 100% and then 45 seconds at 50-60% intensity for 15 minutes. Then I did another 15 minutes of exercise at 70-80%. I did everything from burpees to mountain climbers to high knees and even did some good'ol jumping jacks for my 45 seconds. I originally wanted to run sprints outside, but since it was so cold and dark I opted for the basement so I was worried I wouldn't get as good of workout as doing sprints. Contrary to my initial thoughts...I got my butt kicked! And I actually had a lot of fun with it. It was fun to try new exercises including a killer ab workout. It was a much needed change of pace. Thank goodness for the change in seasons; otherwise, I probably wouldn't be motivated to mix up my workouts.

Well, I'm getting hungry so I'm going to go experiment, once again, with my pumpkin protein shake. Hopefully, I'll have better luck this time!


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