Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

Oh my goodness...seriously, when is the rain going to stop! Ah, I don't think I can handle the rainy, cold, gloomy weather for one more day. I just want to go outside to workout!! I've had enough of the treadmill for awhile.

This past weekend, I traveled to MN to see my family. I worked out at a new gym there and absolutely LOVED it. It made me realize how much I don't like my gym and how outdated it is. So today, I went to look at a new gym. It's a lot nicer and newer than the one I currently belong to, but it costs 3x more a month than I'm paying now so I'm not sure it's worth it. There is a new gym that is being built closer to my house, which should be done in 6-8 months so I think I'll hang tight for now and check that one when it's done.

During my travels to MN, I didn't follow my nutrition plan as closely as I would've liked. I can tell I've gained a few pounds. It's a bit disappointing, but I am back on track now and will continue to push forward. Life is full of challenges and temptations!!


apester4u said...

Just get back to your plan and the weight will fall right off!

I workout from home and when I go to a gym I always think about how much more equipment they have and the versatility of cardio machines. Then I think I have all I need and I don't need to spend anymore money :)

Prairie Fitness said...

You are so right! The other day it was raining out so I did plyo's in our garage and within 15 minutes I was exhausted. It was an amazing workout and fun to do something different. Thanks for your comment!